Harnessing Simplicity in Mind
I work with organisations and individuals to help them find clarity and peace of mind.
Harnessing simplicity in mind allows you to be more resourceful and productive, despite the chaos of life. Once realised, this simple understanding is life changing. As a transformational coach I can help you or your organisation discover this for yourselves.
Simplicity in mind
Simplicity in Mind is an award winning wellbeing and coaching practice operating in the UK, supporting clients globally.
Why – Simplicity in Mind exists to promote an understanding of innate wellbeing that resides in all of us, in order to allow people to live happy, healthy, creative and productive lives, despite the nature of their life circumstances.
How – By highlighting the simple truths that lie at the heart of what makes all human beings tick and pointing to an understanding focused on a clarity of mind that is always available to us.
What – By delivering mental wellbeing training and coaching to groups and individuals that empower them to support themselves, their families and their colleagues.
As Sydney Banks said, “If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their experience, that alone could change the world.”
working with me
Viktor Frankl famously wrote, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our power to choose our response. In our own response lies our growth and our freedom.”
We all work better when we understand how things work; when facts are spelt out, are clear and feel true, we feel more at ease. For the last 5 years I have been helping organisations and individuals understand the simplicity of how this works moment to moment.
When my clients see the relationship between the fact that we think, versus the content of our personal thoughts, they invariably feel a sense of relief and freedom. This is the space that Viktor Frankl is talking about, and for the vast majority of us, we are blissfully unaware of it. It is this space that I will help you explore in order for you to have a lighter relationship with your personal thoughts.
This is where the fun begins. Where true transformation can take place. We will use our curiosity to gently challenge those thoughts and beliefs that feel so rigid and real that they seem to control us. On this journey we will also discuss our innate access to our inner wisdom. It is always present but, more often than not, we innocently ignore it or, it is concealed behind a barrage of personal thoughts.
Join me on an amazing journey as we slowdown from thoughts racing at 100 mph, to a gentler pace, to help you regain a healthy balance in life, with more time to reflect; let's see where that takes us...
Please note that for organisations and fee paying clients, your fee part funds pro bono work for coaching military veterans. You could look at it a little like getting a slice of Corporate Social Responsibility, or "human experience" offsetting. By working in this way I can provide support without needing to look to charities for funding. Please take a look through the client stories to get a feel for how transformative this is for the veteran community.
client stories
"Having met Dave a few years back, he has delivered several Virtual sessions for our organisation. Each session has been well received as Dave is engaging, inspiring, interesting and interactive, which in turn made it easier for the attendees to stay focused and learn. Dave captivates his audience with his vast knowledge, authenticity, and empathy, we hope to continue working with Dave to deliver future sessions."
Natalie Maddox-Hussain
Co-founder of Women Empowering Defence

"Dave’s Choose to Challenge talk was extremely inspirational and eye opening. I’ve taken a lot away from Dave’s talk in terms of knowing how to speak to someone with mental health problems and how to switch my mindset for the better when presented with challenges."
Arianna Muscella
Organisational Development Consultant
“I really enjoyed Dave’s Zoom session; his work is interesting, valuable and inspiring. By opening up and talking about his own personal challenges, he motivates people not only to be open about their own challenges, but also to actively listen and support others to do the same. Dave is extremely authentic, actively engaging and empowers his audience by speaking honestly about his own journey."
Dr Lucy Reynolds PhD
Vice Chair of Disability North – www.wearealldisabled.org
“Dave responded to my initial enquiry within a few hours. Since then he has always made time for me and I have made more progress with my PTSD than I thought possible when I was lost. I didn’t understand what was wrong with me but Dave’s help has given me a new chance in life and I see things more positively. I will be always grateful to him."
Lance Corporal, RIFLES
"Dave first introduced me to his coaching work a few years ago when I was struggling with my own mental health. Earlier this year I reached a crisis point and reached out to Dave again for his assistance.
I found he has a special ability to bring calmness and order to my thoughts. His application of the Three Principles is incredibly simple yet highly effective. I always felt I could say things as I saw them; Dave’s patient and non judgmental style always made me comfortable to open up.
As a result I feel like I know myself far better and, I am better equipped to deal with what life brings to me. The concepts I have learnt are so very simple that I have started sharing them with my own personal network.
I am hugely appreciate of Dave’s support - a very big thank you!"
Nick, Financial Services Director, Scotland
“In 2012 I was picked up by the Police and then passed over to my local mental health service where I was sectioned and diagnosed with PTSD. I spent some time on a psychiatric unit before being discharged where I was assisted by other support services. I had very little contact with anyone I had served with at that time, so I decided to get in contact with my old platoon commander from 2000, Dave.
Over the last 6 years I’ve realised how useful having these conversations with Dave have been. It’s the fact that they feel completely safe, without any judgment and that I feel no need to explain myself. I’ve found myself at some really low points at times, so knowing I can just pick up the phone without any explanation really puts my mind at rest.”
Rifleman, RGJ