The Title "Missing in Action: A Book of Hope" has been chosen specifically. When someone is posted missing in the military there is real hope that they will be found, and that's what we're trying to convey with this book.
Silvie has designed this amazing cover to help illustrate the point. At a basic level infantry teams work in sections of 8, fire teams of 4 and at the lowest level buddies. This picture shows a team member missing, but not completely...
We are in the process of interviewing people to gather stories and writing them up. We are after a broad spectrum of stories from both the military and first responder communities. If you have a story that you think will help others and you'd like to get involved, please get in touch.
While the book is taking time to come in to the world, we wanted to be able to help now and that is why we set up the monthly drop ins.
Take care, you have got this!